Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

We hereby clarify our philosophy of personal information protection.
As an Internet-based information service company, we are fully aware of our mission and responsibilities, and will implement appropriate measures to protect personal information in order to earn the trust of our customers.

  1. Personal information will be obtained, used, and provided appropriately only to the extent necessary for our business activities.In principle, we will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use without obtaining the prior consent of the person concerned, and we will take measures to this end.
  2. We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.
  3. We will take reasonable measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information in our possession, and will take necessary corrective measures.
  4. We will establish a complaint and consultation counter for handling of personal information and our efforts to protect personal information, and will respond to such complaints and consultations.
  5. We will continuously review and improve our efforts to protect personal information.

Date of enactment: January 1, 2021
Computer Science Laboratory, Inc.
Hidemi Hayashi, President and Representative Director

Handling of Personal Information

We receive personal information from our customers in the course of our business transactions.Below is an explanation of how we handle such personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law.

1. Our Basic Stance on the Handling of Personal Information

In addition to declaring its personal information protection policy, Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. has established a “Management System for Personal Information Protection” to implement the policy, and will ensure that all employees (including directors, employees, part-time and temporary workers, etc.) and other related parties are fully aware of, implement, improve, and maintain the system. We will continue to improve and maintain the system.In addition, we will acquire personal information by legal and fair means, and will not acquire personal information by illegal means. We will also notify the person who is the subject of the personal information of the voluntary nature of giving the personal information and the consequences to the person if he or she does not give such information.

2. Personal information handled by the Company and purpose of use

Personal information handled by the Company Method of acquisition and generation Subject of disclosure Purpose of Use
Personal information obtained in the course of using services operated by the Company At the time of registration and service use At the time of inquiry To provide services.
For billing purposes.
To conduct the survey.
To respond to inquiries, etc.
To introduce our products, services, campaigns, etc.
To analyze markets, plan products and services, and improve and enhance quality.
Personal information obtained through inquiries, etc. (Name, e-mail address, telephone number, contents of inquiry, call record, etc.) When inquiring via website, e-mail, telephone, etc. To respond to inquiries, etc.
To analyze markets, plan products and services, and improve and enhance quality.
Information that can be used to identify individuals in images taken with survey cameras or other equipment (e.g., personal appearance) Filming by the Company and its contractors × To provide images and other related products or services taken by the Company on consignment to the consignee.
No personal information in the picture will be used.
Personal information of applicants for employment (Name, address, telephone number, history, etc.) At the time of entry into the employment application For employment selection and to contact the person concerned.
Personal information of employees Entry procedures and at the time of employment To manage the employment of employees.
Personal information entrusted by our clients At the time of outsourcing × To fulfill the purpose of business entrusted by the client company.

For items other than those listed above, the purpose of use and contact information for inquiries will be clearly indicated at the time the personal information is acquired.Personal information acquired in connection therewith will not be used beyond the scope of the purpose of use specified to the customer.

3. Outsourcing of Personal Information

We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use specified in “2.
In such cases, the Company will select a contractor that meets adequate standards for the protection of personal information, and will implement appropriate management and supervision of the contractor through contractual obligations or other means.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information in our possession will not be provided to third parties except in the following cases

  1. If the customer consents
  2. When required by law
  3. When it is necessary to provide information to the provider of map information or facility information in order to respond to a request for correction or deletion of map information or facility information included in the services provided by the Company.
  4. When providing information in a form that does not allow identification of individual customers (e.g., statistical information)

5. Security measures for personal information in our possession

  1. We will take reasonable security measures and take necessary corrective actions to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.However, please be aware that there is no absolute technology to prevent unauthorized access, and that the customer bears the risk of unauthorized access.
  2. We will regularly educate our employees, etc. on the protection of personal information.
  3. Collection of Personal Information from Web Sites

encryption When obtaining personal information from our website, we use encryption (SSL) to ensure that personal information can be transmitted securely.

Links to other Web sites The Company's website may contain links to other websites, but the Company is not responsible for the handling of personal information on websites other than the Company's own.

6. Disclosure, etc., complaints and consultation regarding personal information subject to disclosure

You may request that we notify you of the purpose of use, disclose, correct, add, delete, stop using, erase, or stop providing to a third party (hereinafter “disclosure, etc.”) your personal information that we hold about you.For details on the procedures for requesting disclosure, etc., please contact us at the contact information below.Other inquiries, complaints, and consultations regarding personal information are accepted.

7.Handling of Personal Information Regarding Customers Under 15 Years of Age

We take the utmost care in handling the personal information of customers under the age of 15.Please be sure to register the personal information of customers under 15 years of age with the consent of their parents or guardians.

Date of enactment: January 1, 2021
Computer Science Laboratory, Inc.
Hidemi Hayashi, President and Representative Director