
【Eye Navi, a walking assistance application for the visually impaired】Radio Appearance


program identification: The Love of a Little Dove~eye~
production: Radio Nippon
Production Cooperation and Support: Nippon Television Network Corporation, Nippon Television Kobato Cultural Foundation
personality: Mami Sugino(Nippon Television Network Corporation Announcer)
broadcasting hours:【Radio Nippon】 Saturday from 8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. [Kitanihon Broadcasting Corporation (KNB Radio)] Sunday from 7:15 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Program homepage and podcast:
Broadcast Contents:
【1st (February 3/4)】About Eye Navi Services
performance: Dial Service Co. Eye Navi Attn: KAWADA Ryuichi
【2nd(February 10/11)】The story behind the development of the application
performance: Computer Science Institute Co., Ltd. Representative: Hidemi Hayashi
【3rd(February 10/11)】Evolving Services - Future Developments
performance: Hidemi Hayashi KAWADA Ryuichi

Hidemi Hayashi, representative of Computer Science Laboratory, Inc., which handles research and development of Eye Navi, and Ryuichi Kawada, a blind employee of Dial Service Corporation, which provides the service, will appear on the radio program "Kobato no Ai ~eye~" (Love of Kobato).
The concept of this program is to provide information that is "good" and "helpful" for the visually impaired and also useful for those who can see, called "clear-sighted" people, with the aim of creating a society where the blind can walk the streets with peace of mind.
It will be broadcast on Radio Nippon (Saturday from 8:15 to 8:30 a.m.) and on Kitanihon Broadcasting Corporation (Sunday from 7:15 to 7:30 a.m.) for three weeks starting this weekend.
We hope you will all listen to it.

In the first session, Kawada of Dial Service, who himself walks alone with a white cane, explains how he usually uses Eye Navi.
There is also a studio demonstration in which the Eye Navi is held up to a panel photo of a road and an obstacle or target is read out.
When Kawada was asked to comment as one of the users, the program director couldn't help but ask, "Is it safe to broadcast this? The director of the program asked Kawada, "Is it safe to broadcast this?" and the director smiled and said, "Yes, it is safe.

In the second installment, Hayashi, a former vice president of a major map information company at the Computer Science Laboratory, will discuss why he decided to develop a walking assistance application for the visually impaired.
He then recounted an episode with the mother of a blind child who visited Hayashi at the Japan Lighthouse Exhibition last September, asking to meet the president of the Eye Navi development company. The entire studio was moved to tears when Hayashi said, "I always cry when I talk about this.

In the third session, Hayashi from the Computer Science Laboratory and Kawada from Dial Service discuss the future development of Eye Navi, including what they are currently working on to improve the application and services they are considering introducing.
Finally, Kawada, who is totally blind, said, "With Eye Navi, I want to create a society where the visually impaired will never fall off a station platform.Please work with me until that day comes," to which Hayashi responded, "Yes. Hayashi responded, "Let's work together.
This is the moment when the hearts of developers and service providers, developers and visually impaired people, become one.

Eye Navi will continue to actively develop media relations.
This is because we want as many people as possible in Japan to know about Eye Navi and the visually impaired people who use Eye Navi to walk, and we want the entire society to support Eye Navi.
Never forget. Even with Eye Navi, we will always continue to tell people on the street that they will always need kind words of encouragement and warm support for the visually impaired, and that anyone in Japan can become an Eye Navi simply by saying to the visually impaired, "The signal is green.